A Sermon on Women Preachers, Some Reactions and Observations

Brother Mac Lyons had just finished an excellent lesson concerning women preachers on his weekly television program when I remarked to my wife, “People could not be upset with him over his kindness in presenting such a sensitive subject. They would have to be upset only with the truth he presented from the Word of God if they disagreed with him.” Well there were several upset folk who disagreed with his sermon and it is sad to note that the ones voicing their strong opinions about his sermon were individuals who are members of the church or former members who have left the church of Christ. The source of my information was collected from the blog of PREACHERMIKE (Cope, 9/19/07).

One lady wrote: “God help us “This Message is from Churches of Christ.” She was upset that the television program was sponsored by churches of Christ and that the public would think that all churches of Christ would agree with this brother’s sermon. Of course she thinks that the preacher’s position is wrong and should not be understood as representing all the churches of Christ. She also wrote, “I couldn’t disagree more with his message. And yet people in Abilene hear that it’s from Churches of Christ.” This last time I checked this blog some 168 comments had been made and most of them agreed with the sentiment of this person.

The comment was made that “Time will take of this, anyway. Churches will realize they were wrong – just as on the issue of race.” Brother Cope commented, “His position on women is wrong. Yes, as I said, that’s my opinion. I’m becoming more and more convinced that only time will take care of this.” Troy wrote, “I think that the only people that watch these programs are shut-ins or elderly Christians who have been disenfranchised by their younger brothers and sisters in Christ who have pushed their home congregation in a “progressive” direction. I’m sure that it brings these viewers comfort to think that the message is brought to them by “Churches of Christ. There’s no need to snatch that last bit of comfort from their minds.” Please take a good breath and read slowly the following remark by this individual, “Pretty soon, they’ll all be dead, including Mack Lyon, and the problem of traditional coCers will snuff itself out.”

Brother Cope in replying to a person for a previous comment he had made wrote the following, “Chris, do you understand the point I’m making? I don’t mind someone telling me I’m wrong. Of course, I think this brother (Mac Lyons, RE) is wrong. Way wrong. Poor interpretation of scripture. But I don’t think he’s lost. I’m not condemning him. I’m not disfellowshiping him. And I could be wrong about his being wrong. What I don’t want is for him to present this as the position of Churches of Christ. What if I hosted a television program and pushed some of the things I think and said it was a message from Churches of Christ? Think he’d like that?” Now I want to make some observations concerning brother Lyons’ sermon on women preachers and the comments found on the blog, PreacherMike.

First of all, brother Lyons only discussed whether it was scriptural for a Christian women to be an elder and/or a gospel preacher in the church of our Lord. Throughout his lesson he appealed to the Word of God for the authority to come to an understanding on these issues. Please observe several of his statements: “What does the Bible say about it?” “One of the purposes we had for beginning this program 38 years ago was to present a view which was not generally heard in the religious media-meaning the Bible response to the spiritual needs of our times. “I will be back with the message about women in church leadership roles. What does the Bible say?” “Does the Bible teach that a woman should serve in a leadership role in the church?” “My friend, we have tried to be gentle. We have sought, too, only to determine what the Bible says about women “taking over” the leadership of the 21st Century church.” He never once suggested that he was referring to ‘church doctrine’ or even ‘what churches of Christ teach’ on these subjects; rather, he appealed to the Holy Scriptures as the true source of authority on any religious subject. While brother Lyons used several scriptures, he did emphasized Titus 1:6 to show that a bishop must be the husband of one wife; and, that I Timothy 2:11-15 prohibits a woman from teaching in such a manner as to have the authority over the man. However he did mention some Christian ladies who had contributed much to the kingdom of God.

Second, the program ‘In Search of the Lord’s Way’ is supported by churches of Christ. There are scores of congregations who contribute to the cost of this program being televised in various parts of our nation. To say that this program is supported by churches of Christ is true and accurate. In that statement there is no indication how many congregations support the program financially but is acceptable to say that it is presented by churches of Christ. Now the sad part about this statement is that not all congregations of Christ agree with what this good brother taught regarding women leadership in the church. In years past this would not have been the case but presently we have brethren who believe that our Christian ladies can be elders and preachers in the church. You can look to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and you will observe the end result of such belief and teaching.

Third, the statements made by various individuals regarding the passing of our elderly members and even brother Lyons indicate that when this generation dies out then our progressive and liberal brethren will have more opportunities to implement their agenda in the installing of women bishops and preachers in the church. The history of Israel of old and the church of our Lord add credence to such statements. An apostasy from the organization and the teaching of the body of Christ often takes a generation.

Fourth, It is with great sadness and concern in my heart that I mention that brother Cope, a brother of tremendous influence in our brotherhood, wrote relative to brother Lyon’s sermon, “Of course, I think this brother is wrong. Way wrong.” “I ‘m becoming more and more convinced that only time will take care of this.” Please observe that it is the opinion of brother Cope that brother Lyons is not only “wrong” but “way wrong” in his understanding and teaching regarding women leadership in the church. Since our brother dealt only with whether or not a woman could be a bishop and/or a preacher, it must be very plain and evident that brother Cope believes that a Christian lady could be an elder and/or a gospel preacher in the church. He also believes that in time this will become a reality in the church. Brother Cope is a preacher at the Highland church in Abilene, Texas and a teacher at Abilene Christian University. He has been and is an influential leader in the New Wineskins Publication and the Zoe organization. You can rest assuredly that he influences multitude of the younger generation via his blog, Preacher Mike.

It is not easy for me to write about our brothers in the Lord but my commitment to the Lord and His Word gives me no alternative in this matter. I pray that God will help me to love my brethren and I do but it is a terrible thing to lead people into error regarding the subject of women leadership in the church. I think of what James wrote in chapter 3:1, “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive stricter judgment.” And don’t you know that I have had to consider that very thought over and over again. My brethren we must be informed as to what is taking place in our brotherhood and the apostasy that is occurring in the church, especially is this true regarding elders whose responsibility it is to lead, feed and protect the flock that is under their oversight. The time is late in spiritual Israel today.


lms said...

Raymond, thank you for your diligence in trying to help us understand the need to be aware of these matters. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts.
Larry Sheehy

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother Raymond, little does Cope understand that his words are truer than he realizes that time will truly take care of this...
"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matt. 7:23

so so sad