It was there for everyone to see on the Frazier Television Station. In fact I have seen portions of the program three times. The “instrumental group”, consisting of a guitar player, a piano player and singers, from the Landmark Church was performing for a group of older couples in a ‘fellowship hall’ of the Frazier Memorial Methodist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. The instruments were used during the singing of hymns and songs of praise. The preacher for the Landmark Church made humorous remarks about the audience perhaps being surprised by having a “Church of Christ preacher” and the “Church’s instrumental group” present for the occasion. I felt a real sadness in my heart as I viewed the program. First of all, I have known and loved the preacher since he was a college student. Second, it broke my heart to hear him make light remarks about him and the instrumental group being there that evening. Third, the fact that the congregation where he preaches has an instrumental band that plays on occasions during their week nights worship assemblies, and now for them to represent the church in this manner is truly heart wrenching. Fourth, the preacher also announced that one of his “shepherds” was present. The fact that he was in attendance necessarily infers that he condoned what was taking place in regards to the program presented by the instrumental group from the Landmark congregation.
From the news section of a denominational church bulletin this announcement was made regarding a “COMMUNITY REVIVAL – UNITED IN CHRIST.” “United in Purpose, United in Prayer, United in Purity, United in Power.” This event was conducted at the “First Assembly of God, Friendship Road during the dates of April 14-April 17, 2008”. On Monday night of the four night series the preacher from the “East Tallassee Church of Christ” was scheduled to speak during the “Community Revival”. I would not have mentioned this event had it not been for the reason that the East Tallassee church participates in the local annual Thanksgiving Community Service and has allowed a denominational preacher to speak in this service in their building. There is nothing inherently wrong in preaching in denominational buildings during an assembly but we must be careful not to compromise the truth by our actions. I have spoken twice to a Methodist Men’s Club in two different cities where I have preached and I spoke on the subjects of “The dangers of modernism in religion and the Bible as being the only authority in religious matters”, and, “The meaning of the Restoration Movement”.
“Here in Nashville at Otter Creek, we have what are calling “Vespers”–an attempt to put to work some of the spiritual disciplines in a church setting. It is a quiet meditative time which begins with a couple of hymns, prayer, a period of silence together (that is hard to get used to at first), reading of scriptures according to the church calendar (we are now in Easter time), maybe more silence and a short comment by someone (male or female)about the scriptures read. Following that is a Psalm sung “cantor” style by a male or female, and visits to at least three stations set up which complement the theme of the evening and the scriptures read. At the stations, one may pray, journal, meditate on scriptures or prayers, be blessed by an elder or any number of other quiet activities. Often communion is one of the stations. For example, on Ash Wednesday, a blessing and marking with ashes is one station. Another station might be a paper with a call to action fitting scriptures read. Quiet music plays in the background as people move from one station to the other. Those who do not wish to go to the stations may sit in the pew and meditate on scriptures and pictures being shown on the screens. The evening ends with congregational praise singing.
Vespers is offered in the sanctuary as an alternative to other classes happening in the building. It is a time when we all slow down, meditate and go out refreshed–that’s a good Wednesday evening.”
I found this news item written by a member of the Otter Creek congregation on the blog of Mike Cope (April 10, 2008) when different ones were describing what their home congregation did during their Wednesday Bible study period. Granted that some differences can be found on how congregations conduct their mid-week Bible study period but we must be careful that we do not include some practices that are completely foreign to the teaching of the New Testament. Some of our liberal brethren are observing special holidays more like Easter, Lent, Ash Wednesday (having ashes placed on your forehead), having solos in their assemblies, even serving the Lord’s Supper on days other than the first day of the week, and having instrumental music playing in the background during an assembly.
The GracePointe Church (a church of Christ) in Montgomery, Alabama listed on their website the speakers for their Wednesday night series during the month of July the following men and a woman:
July 2 - Brad Sullivan (Vaughn Park)
July 9 - Adrianna Reddick (9-11 survivor and witness)
July 16 - John Michael VanDyke (Christ Church Anglican)
July 23 - Don Campbell (Hunter Hills)
July 30 - Cory Smith (Woodland Methodist)
It is to be understood that the lady (her religious affiliation is not mentioned) on July 9 will be speaking to the same audience that the men will be addressing. You will also note that two of the speakers are from different denominations. It has been the custom of this congregation to have denominational preachers to be with them on various occasions. A diversity of doctrines and practices would not be a problem with these brethren in the selecting of speakers.
There are degrees of distances among various congregations as to how far they have travelled and are traveling down the wrong road that leads to a complete apostasy from the church of the Lord as found in the last will and testament of Jesus Christ. But it is evident that we are witnessing a major division occurring in our brotherhood. The charge that the apostle Paul gave to Timothy needs to be heeded today by gospel teachers/preachers: “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come whey they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:1-4). And for faithful elders of the church: “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. “And also among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (NKJV, Acts 20:28-30).
Current Issues
- A Candle Burning in the Worship Assembly
- A Letter of Concern Written to a Young Christian Friend
- A Pattern for Apostasy
- A Restoration of the Restoration Movement
- A Sermon on Women Preachers, Some Reactions and Observations
- Acceptable Music in Worship
- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 1
- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 2
- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 3
- Are All Christians Members of the Church of Christ?
- Attitudes, Actions & Changes
- Autonomy of the Church and the Teaching of Error
- Baptism: Essential For Church Membership But Not For Salvation?
- Christianity and Judaism Do Not Mix
- Communion With the Sects
- Congregations Using the Instrument to be Listed in "Churches of Christ in the United States" 2012 Directory
- Conversion is a Process (Journey)
- "I Believe in the Old Testament, But . . ."
- Inclusiveness, Pluralism & Syncretism
- Is the Church Only Part of a Whole?
- More Straws in the Wind
- One Hundred Years Later
- Optional: Acapella and/or Instrumental
- Some Happenings Among the Area Congregations of Christ
- Speaking When God Has Not Spoken
- Straws in the Wind
- The Conversion and Life of an Indian Maiden
- The Domino Effect
- The Flood Gates Are Open
- The Penitent Thief
- The Straw That is Breaking the 'Camel's Back'
- To Whom Will You Entrust the Minds of Your College Age Young People?
- Traveling Down the Wrong Road
- Traveling Recklessly Down the Wrong Road
- United or Untied?
- Visiting Other Churches
- Walking by the Same Rule
- Weaving Out and In, Or, Two Steps Forward and One Step Backward
- Who Are My Brothers and Sisters In Jesus Christ?
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