The following announcement was taken from the website of the Landmark Church in Montgomery, Alabama:
“40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Beginning on August 24th, our Landmark family will commit to 40 days of prayer and fasting. We are specifically praying and fasting concerning our attitudes as a church toward prayer and submission, our missionary families we support as a body and their work all over the world, and our local ministries. We are called to be a people who are devoted to seeking his face. We believe that by participating in these spiritual disciplines as a church family, we will see the Lord move in mighty ways for the glory of his name.
We will be fasting each Friday during the 40 day period, which ends on October 2nd. Each Friday at 5:30, we will gather at Landmark to break our fast by taking communion together. Please join us!”
There is much to be commended in this announcement, provided that the truth is spoken in its purity. Individual fasting is regulated by Jesus as recorded in Matthew 6:16-18. And we read in Acts 13:1-3 that members of the church in Antioch fasted, so we find no fault in this practice. It is in this sentence found in the announcement that is both disturbing and troubling: “We will gather at Landmark to break our fast by taking communion together” (Emphasis, RE).
The practice of partaking of the Lord’s Supper on any given day and on various occasions is more prevalent than most members of the church realize. There are preachers who have been teaching that this practice is scriptural and have been influencing brethren over the years to accept this false doctrine.
It is not surprising that the elders of the Landmark condone this practice since they have allowed the instrument to be used in various assemblies during the week days. But it is so sad and disappointing.
What also is disturbing is the fact that their campus minister encourages college students at Faulkner University and perhaps other universities in the Montgomery to attend the assemblies at Landmark during their stay while in school. Parents who live in the state of Alabama and other states who send their sons and daughters to Faulkner may not know what is being taught and practiced at the Landmark Church.
It is not the purpose of this article to prove from the Scriptures that communion is to be partaken only on the first day of the week, but to inform brethren of this practice that is being done at the Landmark Church.
Wayne Jackson has an excellent article in The Christian Courier (online) entitled, DID THE EARLY CHURCH OBSERVE THE LORD’S SUPPER ON A DAILY BASIS? You will be greatly blessed and informed if you take the time to study this well written article.
Current Issues
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- A Pattern for Apostasy
- A Restoration of the Restoration Movement
- A Sermon on Women Preachers, Some Reactions and Observations
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- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 1
- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 2
- Apostasy is Both Gradual and Progressive, Part 3
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- Attitudes, Actions & Changes
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- Christianity and Judaism Do Not Mix
- Communion With the Sects
- Congregations Using the Instrument to be Listed in "Churches of Christ in the United States" 2012 Directory
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- One Hundred Years Later
- Optional: Acapella and/or Instrumental
- Some Happenings Among the Area Congregations of Christ
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- Straws in the Wind
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- Visiting Other Churches
- Walking by the Same Rule
- Weaving Out and In, Or, Two Steps Forward and One Step Backward
- Who Are My Brothers and Sisters In Jesus Christ?
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